Am postat mai jos in jur de 43 de tablouri/goblenuri cusute de mine pe parcursul a aproape 20 de ani. In fiecare am pus cate putin din mine - nu numai ca efort, dar mai ales ca incarcatura emotionala. Pe masura ce firele se impleteau in imagini gandurile mele se indreptau catre anumite persoane, amintiri, senzatii ... Acum, cand le privesc nu ma pot gandi decat la momentele din viata mea in care au fost cusute, si imi dau seama cum nu am stiut atunci sa recunosc fericirea. Sper ca persoana care va ajunge sa stapaneasca macar unul dintre tablourile de mai jos, va stii mai bine... pentru ca eu m-am hotarat sa ma despart de ele, si de trecut.
Fiecare dintre aceste tablouri este de vanzare la un pret negociabil in jur de 1100 de RON, sau 10 000 RON pentru 10 tablouri la alegere (cu exceptia Rondului de Noapte dupa Rembrandt, pe care nu pot accepta sa il dau cu mai putin de 2000 - 2500 RON, si a Sfintei Elena dupa Veronese, pe care il estimez la 1700 - 2200 RON). Toate au rama de lemn, inclusa.
Sper ca macar va veti delecta privindu-le!
I have posted below about 43 gobelin pictures that I have personally sewed over about 20 years. I have put a bit of my own self in each one - I'm talking not just about the effort, but moreover about the emotional charge. As the threads were weaving to form images, my thoughts were channeled towards certain people, memories, sesations ... Now, when I look at them I can only think about how I did not know at the time, to recognize happiness. I can only hope that the next person getting to own at least one of these gobelins will know better ... because I have decided to part with them, and with my past.
Each one of these gobelins are for sale at a negociable price of about 1100 RON, or 10 000 RON for any choice of 10 (except for The Night Shift after Rembrandt, for which I cannot accept anything less than 2000 - 2500 RON, and Saint Helena after Veronese, which I value between 1700 and 2200 RON). All of them have wooden frames which is included.
I hope you will at least enjoy taking a look!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Fetita cu basma rosie
Ciobanas la oi
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